Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What Is Interesting About The next President

The article “Penn: Hillary Will Mount a Commander-In-Chief Offensive” by Byron York discuss about whom is the better person to be the next president of the United States of America. They believe that if Clinton becomes the next commander-in-chief, she probably is a person that can end the Iraq war. If the war ended, then the troops would be able to go home and that would make a lot of families happy. Basically nobody wants to have war; they want to have a peace, warm and gorgeous life. The author might want Clinton to be a next president because maybe he understands some things about the war, about the miserable and hardship that every single person who live in war has been suffering. More than that, Clinton follows democracy which means that everyone has freedom and will be considered equal to each other. When the time comes for everyone to vote, Hillary Clinton will probably have a better chance of becoming the next president because her husband used to be the president for two consecutive terms. During Bill Clinton’s term as president, he helped reduce the debt that the United States owe. When we see Hillary Clinton’s name on the ballot, we would automatically think of how her husband served and that would influence how people vote. On another note, Hillary Clinton is already well-known, more than Obama, when it comes to recognition. Due to those points alone, she has a better chance to be a president. The author might have the same opinion, maybe a lot of other people will think the same way too.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Who will be the next president???

I think that this article is worth reading because there are a lot of people that lives under a rock and do not care whether who becomes president. Right now, the Democrats have two main candidates for presidency, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. Both candidates are fighting to get 1571 delegates. If one of them becomes the next president, it will be the first time in United States history that we have a female president or a black president. Personally, it does not matter to me whether Senator Clinton wins or Senator Obama wins, as long as the winner has the qualifications and skills to lead this country in the right path.
