Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Comment on Colleague's Work

In CNN news, an article that talk about a former President Jimmy Carter who went on a trip to the Middle East to meet with leaders of Hamas, a Palestinian political party to negotiate the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. The U.S. National Security Adviser, any democratic government and many Israelis don’t support with Carter. But instead, they insist that talks with Hamas won't bring peace in the Middle East conflict. For those who like Carter, he expresses his opinion strongly at the start of his trip by saying that “I’m not a negotiator. I'm just trying to understand different opinions and communicate, provide communications between people that won't communicate with each other,"

I agree with the person “let’s explore politics” that wrote the comment for the article, that I agree with what Carter is doing. What he did is the right thing that will bring peace to people. People might think that why would you want to talk to people who kill your own people? It is a very difficult thing to do. But that what’s President Carter did. He thinks that trying to communicate with the terrorist is a better solution. Unlike Israelis, who think that the only solution for this peace agreement is military. I don’t think it’s going to help much, but only can get into more war, and make many more innocent people to die. However, attacking and killing people are not a good solution. But communication for Carter is his solution in this situation. It will help to stop wars going on and will bring peace back to their people. Carter worked hard on peace. Others think that it’s not useful for people to communicate with a top Hamas politician. But in Carter’s view, it’s the only way that can solve the problem but not bring any damages to people. His only hope is peace. And he’s still stick to it. I am strongly agreed with Carter’s idea, with what he is doing for the better of people. The government should support and encourage people like Carter to involve in making peace.

The source http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/04/18/carter.hamas/index.ht


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